
Saturday, 21 September 2013

Tent London Buzz

I'm showing 10 pieces at Tent London. I'd never done a shell stand before and amazingly the hang went according to plan and I didn't have to activate any plan B's. It's been a real buzz meeting everyone. I think we will just have got into the swing of the long days by the end, then we'll all be having long hot baths and lying with our legs up the wall to recalibrate.
Tomorrow, Sunday is the last day and is open 11 - 6pm.
Below is my favourite stand so far: Wallpaper by Deborah Bowness, it's really well designed but relaxed - you know, not over styled or over designed. Her imagery is so effective and I think her designs would be great for a new built interior that lacks history and texture. I also like some ceramics by Tortus from Denmark that I'll try and photograph tomorrow.


  1. Oh, your chandeliers are beautiful! I hope you'll show more pictures of your show pieces. Congratulations!

  2. Thanks! - hey I like to keep you wanting more!
